Our Story

Our philosophy is about harnessing a skill or talent we all have and improving our lives, family, community and the world. It's about using that great quality we possess in order to extend value, confidence, and positivity onto others. Harness it.. cultivate it, and cherish it

Be grateful, Be yourself and Be Wrist Source-ful!

Your Bracelet Guy,


How the Business Started


My name is Mark Antoine  

The business started out as a hobby by making bracelets, selling the product in the neighbourhood, and working with the community. The idea originated from a participant playing in a sandbox who attended a summer youth program in Bolton, Ontario. Eventually, I was encouraged to start a business as I learned crafting techniques in order to create a more fashionable sturdy product.

The goal is to create a handmade, fashionable and durable product which resonates and reflects of the individual, company or cause.  The business started out as a hobby by making bracelets, selling in the community, equipping personal training clients, local sports teams in order to empower the community